About Marcel

Since the age of 13, Marcel Hof is training and has been pushing himself to the limits, defying death while swimming beneath the ice – all in the name of total optimisation.

Marcel Hof explored the extremes, alongside his brother Wim Hof for more than 25 years.
They tested the boundaries of human potential so the rest of us can benefit.  What they discovered has shocked the scientific community…

Marcel works also with Hypnosis, Attention, Focus, trance and voice, to heighten the vibration and always works from Intuition what is needed in the moment. With absolute trust that all knowledge is already here, that what comes up, is that what has to be told.

Changing Acidity Becoming more Alkaline Discovering your Inner Drugstore (Dopamine, Serotonine, Adrenaline) Finding your Remote Controle over your Emotions

Training your Cardio Vasculair System Lowering your Heart Rate by training the Muscles around 100.000KM of Bloodvessels Activating Brown Fat = Mytochondria = Energy Supplier of the Cells Finding your Remote Controle of your Heating System

Changing your Story Aligning Conscious and Subconscious Releasing old Trauma Remembering your Authenticity and Blueprint Claiming your Sovereignity

Coming into Flow Going beyond the Mind Using Breath for Endurance and Energy Using Breath for changing Acidity Using Trance (Rythm and Vibration) to go beyond your Mind Limits

The Mind Divides – The Heart Unites – The Eye of the Storm – The Formless Form – Heart Unity – Discover you have always been Free

Anicha Vos

Anicha started giving art-therapy since 1997 and became a dance and Raja Yoga teacher around 2005. 
She qualified in 2006 to teach the life work of Drunvalo Melchezedec combined with HeartMath and imagery giving many 4 day Heart workshops.
Anicha taught many Access Consiousness classes for 5 years till 2019.
March 2019 Anicha became a Creatrix Transformologist bringing out innate knowing and solving blocks and generational issues.
In April 2019 Anicha was trained to give The Richards Trauma Proces using ao Hypnosis to help her clients solve the issues of past trauma and distressing events.

Since November 2018 Marcel Hof and Anicha Vos started to work together, combining the masculin and the feminine.   

Marcel Hof’s and Anicha’s speciality’s: Heart Meditation and Quantum Hypnosis

Changing Acidity Becoming more Alkaline Discovering your Inner Drugstore (Dopamine, Serotonine, Adrenaline) Finding your Remote Controle over your Emotions

Science of slowing down the Heart Rate to overcome Stress and Trauma Building Resilliance Feeling in Communion and Connected Opening uop the Cells for Information and Communication Connecting to the Electro Magnetic Field of the Heart

Changing your Story Aligning Conscious and Subconscious Releasing old Trauma Remembering your Authenticity and Blueprint Claiming your Sovereignity

Our Philosophy

Together, Marcel and Anicha have many years of shared experience between them.  Anicha bring her natural intuition, and together with Marcel’s skills and knowledge,  they bring the best out of everyone, working in natural synergy.


We remind people of their Innate Nature, Innate Knowledge which is Love expressing and recognizing itself in every one and every body. Physically by using breathing training, cold endurance and fysical training to get the body in a natural healthy state by using outer nature to find inner nature= healthy and energetic.


Mentally by relaxing and changing your conditioning and experience your real nature, using HeartMath, Meditation and Quantum Hypnosis. These methods we use so you can experience your autonomy, change your state of mind, body, fysical and mental health.


Awakened to the Innate Being of what we call the Formless Form, we recognize everyone and everything as the same Life Force, expressing itself in you, me, every one and every thing!

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The Hof family’s methods have transformed lives. With his brother Wim Hof, Marcel has explored the extremes of human potential, so the rest of us can access our internal power.
Sonya Simpson
My anxiety & depression just disappeared in a few days!
David Annett